Most students need help to pay for post-secondary education. Check out all your funding options including government and student loans and bursaries, awards, and scholarships.
The Camosun Foundation Bursaries
Apply toΜύoverΜύ300 bursariesΜύwith one application!
2024/2025 Camosun Foundation Bursary application period
- Winter 2025Μύ- December 16, 2024Μύto January 27, 2025
Bursaries are funds that do not need to be repaid. Each year full-time many of Camosun's full-time students will receive financial assistance through bursaries.Μύ

Former Youth in Care
Access to post-secondary education has been expanded for former youth in care.
Adult Upgrading Grant
If you're attending Camosun in one of the School of Access programs you may be eligible to have your tuition, deposit and fees paid